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Sexual Health Outreach

Working with NHS Derbyshire Community Health Services to support, inform and advise women on sexual health.

Staff and volunteers from Women’s Work engage with the most at risk and vulnerable women who are being exploited through sex work through weekly outreach sessions. 

This outreach is often the first introduction to Women’s Work and aims to provide the women with immediate provisions such as condoms, food and a hot drink, and warm clothes and lets them know that we can help them to improve their circumstances when they are ready.

We talk to the women; show them we care and that we don’t judge them. This first meeting provides an opportunity for a woman to know she is valued and that there is help for her to begin a journey towards leading a more empowered and better quality of life.  

In partnership with the Integrated Sexual Health Services, we host a drop-in clinic for women already accessing our services within our premises. We do this because we know that many women are wary of accessing the statutory services and worried about disclosing their personal history. 

Service users can access basic STI tests and sexual health advice in a relaxed and welcoming environment. 

For those who may need more specialist medical advice or treatment, we can arrange an appointment for them at the sexual health clinic and also accompany them if they need that extra support to attend the appointment. 

The Sexual Health helpline is available on 0300 123 7123 and provides access to:

  • sexual health advice
  • signposting to other sexual health services and online information
  • access to STI diagnostic kits and appropriate aftercare

The helpline is available between 9 am and 8 pm Monday to Friday and between 11 am and 4 pm over the weekends.

Sexual health advice across our programmes

Women’s Work believes that every woman has the right to good sexual health and to feel confident making informed decisions that affect their wellbeing. We incorporate sexual health advice, together with support to build confidence and self-esteem which enables women to break free from abusive or coercive relationships and reduce risk-taking behaviours.  

This programme is proudly supported by

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What our empowered women have to say...

Nice staff and nice building and good sessions. I have been doing parenting sessions and I’ve found it to be good for my understanding. I have tried other parenting sessions at my local school but didn’t like the staff or how it was run. Good different here learned a lot about myself and kids. Thank you for everything

Member – Heart of Parenting

Fantastic programme, run by amazing ladies. Has made me feel more confident and have a better outlook on life.

Member – Freedom Programme

At the end of the programme I feel able to say 100% that there will be no future re- offending for me. I am now positively focussed, re-housed, I have successfully reduced my alcohol in-take.

Member – The Turn Around

The Anger Management programme has given me new techniques to try and deal with my anger. The programme has great insight and gives you a chance to express yourself.

Member – Anger Management

I joined because I have always volunteered in one way or another and given my time, but I always wanted to do something that was personal to me. If facilities like Women’s Work had been available when I was growing up that could have helped my mum, I would have had a better childhood. It makes me happy giving back to the service users and helping them feel empowered, even if its something small that does so.

Jeanette – Volunteer

I have a better understanding of my emotions and feelings, and am now calmer. I learnt how to deal with things better

Empowered Women