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Child Contact Centre

Link Work Child Contact Centre - Enabling families to maintain relationships in a safe and child-centred environment.

Our contact centre is a safe & neutral venue for children of separated families to meet with their non-resident parent or other family members. The most important people in our centre are the children. We aim to provide a warm and friendly atmosphere for them and have age appropriate toys, games and activities for them to use.

Our service is run by a team of friendly, fully trained staff and volunteers independent from the courts, social services or any statutory agency. You might need to use our contact centre if you and your former partner have a court order stating contact is to take place at a contact centre, or you would prefer not to see your former partner but want to encourage a relationship between your children and a parent / family member they do not live with.

We offer a few options for contact depending on the family needs;

Supervised Contact – During Supervised Contact a supervisor will remain in the room at all times during the sessions, they will make notes during the session which will be used to form a report. Supervised contact sessions are private and only one family will be allocated to the room, however other families may be present elsewhere in the contact centre.

Supported Contact – During Supported Contact our team will be on hand to support the session if required and will check in at regular intervals, but they will not remain in the contact room for the whole session. A brief report can be provided on any observations during the check ins. Other families may be present at the centre and using the same space.

Handovers –  For families who can have contact with their children in the community, our centre can be used as a hand over point so that the adults involved do not have to see or interact with each other.

Visits to the contact centre are by referral only. To make a referral please contact us at linkworkchildcontactcentre@womens-work.org.uk to request a referral pack.

To read more about our service please read A Referrer’s Guide to Our Contact Centre.

Information for Parents –  

The NACCC website www.naccc.org.uk has links to useful websites, stories from people who have used contact centres, and a comprehensive question and answer page for both mums and dads.   

The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service provides publications for adults (including parenting plans), young children, older children and young people.  Call them on 0844 353 4332 or look at their website www.cafcass.gov.uk 

National Family Mediation www.familymediationcouncil.org.uk  help families in conflict, especially those divorcing or separating, sort out arrangements for children, property and money.

A little boy is sitting in his dad's lap while his father reads him a book. They are both enjoying spending quality time together on father's day.
This programme is proudly supported by
Childrens Links

What our empowered women have to say...

I joined the charity because the belief and values that were used to support and encourage vulnerable women and families are also a part of my beliefs and values. Also, the programmes that were developed are encouraging and useful. The staff are committed and helpful. Here at Women’s work the goal is to make a difference in individual lives and by far that is the best part of volunteering for me.

Runell – Volunteer Counsellor

I can’t thank Women’s Work enough for their kindness help and guidance which has enabled me to help women within the community. Just seeing the positive impact Women’s Work makes on service users has made me so proud to be part of the volunteer team. Thank you Women’s Work for all that you do for women and thank you so much for letting me be part of that.

Debra Wilson – Volunteer

One of the main reasons I chose to volunteer is to empower women to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. By volunteering, I not only contribute to the community but also experience personal growth and development, knowing that I am part of a supportive and collaborative environment that positively impacts the lives of others. I enjoy volunteering at Women’s Work because of the incredibly supportive and encouraging staff members and other volunteers that create a nurturing environment. Their constant presence and unwavering support make it a truly uplifting experience. 

Kirthiga – Volunteer

Fantastic programme, run by amazing ladies. Has made me feel more confident and have a better outlook on life.

Member – Freedom Programme

I have been given so many new opportunities since I have been at Women’s Work. My eyes have been opened!

Empowered Women

At Women’s Work, I discovered the freedom programme. This has helped me to understand the behaviour of the dominator.

Member – Freedom