Our vision

"A world where women and their families are empowered to live a healthy and fulfilling life."
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide women and their families from across Derbyshire with the essential skills and self-belief to move forward on their journey towards living an empowered life. Women's Work will provide personalised programmes of support to improve mental well-being, support access to other services, and act as a springboard to a better quality of life

Our Aims
Work with partners to reach out to the most vulnerable women across Derbyshire; in particular, those leading chaotic lives, those at risk of homelessness, women affected by domestic violence and those in contact with the criminal justice system.
Provide support to women to improve their confidence and self-esteem, and reduce isolation.
Provide counselling to address a range of mental health issues including PTSD, anxiety, and low self-worth.
Provide high-quality programmes to help women learn how to make positive life choices, manage their health and wellbeing.
Provide access to therapeutic and creative activities to help build a positive mindset and enable women to express themselves in new ways.
Provide access to training and education opportunities as a springboard into further training, education or employment.
Our Values
We provide non-judgemental support to women no matter what their circumstances are or the particular challenges they face.
Women of all ages and social backgrounds may need help to overcome barriers towards a safe and healthy future. Our support is available to all women regardless of age, ethnicity and religion.
We never turn a woman in desperate need away and will signpost to other appropriate services providers to offer the support which she needs if we can’t help.
We are accountable and transparent about the outcomes of our programmes and impact of investments from funders and supporters.
We are open to developing new approaches and partnerships that will enable us to enhance the lives of more women who could benefit from our support across Derby.
We support the whole person – not just one issue – assessing each service user’s particular needs and life goals and work with them as long as they need our support.